Why Should You Consider Metallic Epoxy Flooring?

Nowadays, you can find various flooring systems in the market but choosing one among them can be a hectic job. Most business owners or homeowners are looking for a special type of flooring system that not only provides an exotic finish but also gives high performance. Therefore, here, we have discussed about the benefits of metallic epoxy flooring. This flooring system can take the interior of your house or business into a different level that is unmatched with any other common flooring look. . However, if you want to install the flooring system in your garage to look better, then contact epoxy flooring contractors.

What is Metallic Epoxy Flooring?

It is a type of polymer plastic that helps you to preserve the concrete flooring for decades. You can also add laked mica to the solution. After applying the mixture to your flooring, it provides a dreamy eye catching look to your decor. The solution provides various effects including lightning, molten gold and lava.

Prevent Damages

The metallic epoxy flooring system can prevent various types of damages such as heavy traffic from both vehicle and foot sources, and scratches. This type of flooring system is suitable for both residential and commercial garages. It is also resistant to chemical elements such as gasoline, engine degreasers and battery acids.

Little Maintenance

Most of the flooring needs proper and regular maintenance to look shiny for years. But this type of flooring does not need any extra maintenance. You do not have to do polishes or waxes to the metallic epoxy but it is also true that the polish can increase the shine. To provide shininess to your floor, you need two things - a mop and a soft-bristle broom. The broom can reduce the chance of getting scratches. If you install metallic epoxy in the garage, you can also use a garden hose to wash the flooring system.

Energy Efficiency

While installing the solution to the floor, the epoxy flooring contractors add mica flakes and the light reflectivity of it helps you by saving excessive energy. Not only that but also it is resistant to heat, stain repellent and microbial. This type of flooring can last for up to 30 years without showing any signs of trouble. You may wonder that metallic epoxy may cost you a lot. But in reality, when you calculate the cost of square feet and the lifespan, you can understand that it is one of the cheapest flooring solutions in the market.

Contact Us

If you want to install an epoxy solution on your floor, then contact Zone Garage. They provide other services as well including zg garage floor coatings, patio & pool decks, commercial flooring and crack & joint repair.

Brandon Shavers