Top 4 Questions About Polyaspartic Garage Floor Coatings

According to research, more than 85% of workers’ compensation claims are submitted because the employees slipped on slick floors. This type of slippery floor becomes a financial and social threat for any type of business. Therefore, nowadays, many people opt for commercial floor coatings to prevent such situations.

There are a few common floor coatings that business owners typically use including epoxy, concrete paint and interlocking rubber tiles. But none of these elements can be compared with polyaspartic floor coating in terms of durability, quality, slip resistance and longevity.

However, since this floor coating became popular among many people, they have asked a lot of questions about it. Therefore, we have answered a few common questions so that you can understand the difference between these materials and select the right material for your floor.

What are Polyaspartic Commercial Floor Coatings?

The term polyaspartic refers to a certain type of aliphatic polyurea. You may be familiar with polyurea coatings because it has several applications. Mainly the experts use it as truck bed liners and spray-down tank coating. This is considered a type of polyurea coating and is used to protect against getting slipped.

Can I Install It Myself?

Of course, you can install the polyaspartic floor coating on the floor by yourself. There are various DIY polyaspartic kits out there. But the question is should you install it on your own? This material is somewhat extremely long-wearing; therefore, you may face difficulties while installing it.

This solution requires a properly prepared surface to adhere perfectly. The fact is you don’t have the expertise to install this material properly. Consequently, it would be better if you hire experts for polyaspartic floor coating installation.

Should I Apply Polyaspartic Coatings in Cold Temperatures?

Yes, you can. This type of floor material can be applied in low temperatures based on the specific formulation of the coating. You can even install it if the outside temperature is below zero degrees centigrade.

Is It Expensive?

In general, polyaspartic floor coating is a little bit expensive compared to other floor coating. But you can be assured because the outcome will be superior. If you install other coatings on your own, then these can be peeled and cracked over time which leads to expensive repair costs and that’s not nice at all.

Flooring on Another Level

There is nothing more to say! If you want to upgrade your floor to another level and make it safe for everyone else, then contact us at Zone Garage. Our experts will help you to choose the right type of flooring material based on your requirements and budget.