Reasons You Might Be Seeing Cracks on Your Garage Floor

Most homeowners use their garage as a tool station or a storage space to park their vehicle. This can lead to cracks as a dangerous trip hazard, which indicates a much deeper issue. There are many reasons your garage floor can get cracked, but the most common is an issue with foundation settlement. It is seen if the foundation sinks unevenly, which might lead to the garage slab handling a considerable amount of force. Garage floor crack repair is not highly a complex work but knowing how to do it properly is imperative. One needs to know certain things about garage floor cracks, and the following blog describes just that.

Garage Floor or Masonry Crack

There are mainly two kinds of cracks get visible on your garage: floor crack and masonry crack. The main reasons for this are weather, soil, and many other elements. There are different ways to understand the reason for the damage.

Floor Crack- This type of crack mainly happens because of harsh weather conditions, settlement, or materials. Your garage floor cracks repair professional can identify the gap and give you information, like when the damage might have appeared or when the concrete might have been poured.

Masonry Crack- This type of crack usually happens due to soil expansion or deflected lintels or mainly by old age. Your garage floor cracks repair professional can identify the source by tracking the measurement.

Understanding Settlement Issue

The settlement issue is the most common cause of garage floor crack. This means your structure has sunk to an in-component, non-load-bearing soil. This soil is also called expansive soil as they are known to expand and contract, which is directly related to water correlating with water saturation. This can badly affect your foundation and garage floor by making the surface uneven. Some of the signs that can indicate garage floor settlement issue are:

  • Cracks in garage drywall

  • Sloped garage floors

  • Having difficulty opening and closing garage floor doors and windows.

Similarly, garage floor crack repair professionals can most definitely warn you about all the other problems it could create in your house.


Expansion ins oil can cause voids in your garage floor, which can harm your structural integrity. Your garage floor cracks repair professional can fill those voids using polyurethane injection.

Ready To Get Your Crack Free Garage Floor Back?

Zone Garage can help you get rid of any crack within your budget. Call to get a free consultation.