Details about Epoxy Garage Floor Cost | Zone Garage

If you are bored with the look and feel of your garage floors, it is perhaps a good time to change them. And while you are thinking of redoing them, we would like to recommend you epoxy garage floors. They are one of the most stylish options available for garage floors nowadays. But before you start considering upgrades, you have to learn how much epoxy garage floor costs.

If you know the cost, you will be able to prepare for your expenses from a long time back. This article will help you determine the probable costs of your epoxy garage floor. That way, you can make better decisions for your house.

Standard Prices

Most professionals charge between $3 and $12 per square foot to get epoxy garage floors. Keep this number in mind and figure out your budget depending on the size of your garage.

An average one-car garage is built upon an area of 250 square feet. According to the numbers, it will cost $750 to $3600 if you want to get the job done in a garage of this size.

Keep in mind these are just some estimations based on industry standards. The price for your garage floor may differ depending on your floor size.

Why are Epoxy Floors So Costly?

You must have already understood that epoxy floors are way more expensive than regular floors. But why do epoxy garage floors cost so much? These are some of the main reasons:

  • Epoxy floors are very durable in nature. This makes them a great choice for garage floors as they always have a chance of getting damaged by the cars.

  • Not just cars, the garage floor can also get damaged by the chemicals used in the car's maintenance. Having an Epoxy floor will also protect your garage floor from such damages.

  • Epoxy floors are also resistant to stains and molds. This keeps your garage floor shining like new for a long time.

  • There are a lot of colors available in Epoxy floors. So, it doesn’t matter what your preferences are, you will be able to choose the perfect look for your garage floors.

Get Zoned in by Zone Garage

This was a detailed guide to help you figure out your epoxy garage floor cost. Follow the systematic steps we told you about and plan your epoxy garage floor project. Once you are done planning, remember to give us a call so that Zone Garage can help you get the job done as efficiently as possible.