4 Reasons to Choose Polyurea Chip Floor Coating

If the garage floor in your house is showing its age and the sight of stains, cracks and other various damages have become a sore in your eye, then you should give a makeover to the floor with polyurea. Though epoxy is one of the most common and popular floor coatings across the United States, polyurea is gaining popularity these days because of its durability properties.

If you want to change the look of the floor and make it more durable, then contact an expert to install polyurea garage floor coating. However, we have discussed a few reasons why an individual should consider applying this coating.

What is Polyurea Floor Coating?

Polyurea floor coating is considered the fast-hardening system in modern flooring technology. This floor coating can bear more damage and provide much better protection against harmful external factors including chemicals, oils and gas. After applying this coating, your garage floor looks new for many years to come.

Why Should You Consider This Floor Coating?

  • You Can Maintain It Easily

According to many experts, you don’t have to maintain it often at all. There is no need to recoat this material from time to time. The floor coating can withstand various types of chemicals, extreme temperatures, and abrasions without getting affected. You can wipe the floor without making any stains.

  • This Coatings are Fast Curing and Strong

Polyurea garage floor coating is popular among customers because it takes one or two hours to harden. You can use the floor right after the day you apply the coating. It is the main difference between polyurea and epoxy because it takes a minimum of three to five days to harden which is considered a bit time-consuming for busy customers.

  • It is More Durable Than Other Floor Coating

The polyurea coating seems to be the perfect solution for you due to its strength and durability. This coating can prevent damage without cracking. It is also resistant to water and chemicals. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the floor getting ruined because of oils or chemicals.

  • It is UV Resistant

As reported, polyurea coating can resist harmful ultraviolet light if exposed to sunlight. The plastic objects fade or turn yellowish due to UV light. If you want to makeover the outdoor floor, then installing polyurea garage floor coating will be your best bet.

We Have Your Floor Covered!

Want to improve your garage floor? In that case, polyurea is the best option. It is not only durable but also you can customize it according to your requirements. If you want to purchase quality products and professional assistance, Zone Garage can help.